More About Thy

Thy’s favorite part of working in the lab is being able to discover new things. She also enjoys being able to work with very intelligent people within the lab. Thy mentors undergraduate students working on independent projects within the lab and finds it a very rewarding part of her job. 

Listen to Thy’s podcast: Pretty Hard Decisions

Thy first became interested in microbiology when she was exposed to CRISPR genome editing for the first time in a lab as an undergraduate student at the University of Texas – Dallas. She thought it was interesting to see how the technology can be used to delete genes and how the results after manipulation can be observed in bacteria. Using CRISPR editing, she manipulated the genome of Enterococcus faecalis to try and understand how different metabolic pathways can affect antibiotic susceptibility. She worked on ways to make it less susceptible to drugs and make UTIs caused by this species more treatable. 

Thy’s advice to her younger self would be:

“Enjoy everything while it lasts and take everything slowly. What needs to be done will be done.”

If Thy was stranded on a deserted island she would bring:

  1. A yoga mat to relax and do yoga on the beach
  2. Bring gallons of filtered water to stay hydrated
  3. Many packs of dehydrated food to stay nourished

When Thy is not in the lab she likes to explore nature around Madison and get active. She loves to work out, especially by attending yoga and pilates classes. During quarantine, perfected her 48-hour cookies, she really likes to bake and experiment with different recipes. Thy has a tomato plant growing in her garden, and she likes to grow and take care of different house plants.